Having the right technology promoting a safe and functional office or education space, while simultaneously providing value for those working from a distance, is more vital than ever.
While many have been dark for a number of months, the almost overwhelming consensus is that there will still be a place for the physical work and learning spaces – they might just look a little different, or be slightly less populated as companies permit a hybrid of remote and in-office work, and students choose between in-person and distance learning.
So what does that mean from an AV point-of-view?
Where once the meeting room came with an easel, some paper and a Sharpie (that may or may not have been out of ink), the modern day equivalent has thundered into the 21st century and beyond. And nothing encapsulates the future quite like TeamBoard’s Interactive Flat Panel Displays (IFPD).
Distributed in Australia by Canohm, TeamBoard designs and manufactures interactive touchscreen solutions for corporate, education and a whole range of other environments.
Founded in 1993, TeamBoard has taken the lead on developing interactive whiteboards as an exciting contemporary interaction device. Earlier this year, Canohm added TeamBoard to its portfolio with a view to, effectively, re-launching the brand into the corporate and education markets.
TeamBoard international sales director Andy Penman is enthusiastic about the partnership with Canohm: “We are excited to have Canohm representing the TeamBoard product range in this region, especially give the current business climate. It is perfect timing to be able to offer this product through a partner already so well versed in innovative office-based products during this period when businesses and schools are gearing up for a more agile return to their workplaces.”
Whether we are faced with a changed landscape or not, companies will still need effective methods for collaboration, making TeamBoard and its wealth of features a clear winner in the market.
The other big market for IFPDs, of course, is education and this is an area that Canohm are keen to branch into, as these spaces also seek to upgrade aging tech.
So, what exactly does a TeamBoard set-up look like?
A screen size for every space
TeamBoard interactive flat panel displays (IFPDs) offer a high-tech solution for the discerning educator or director seeking to modernise a meeting or teaching space. The sleek, versatile TeamBoard comes in a range of sizes from 55” up to 98” and every display offers the latest in 4K interactive technology, boasting 1.07 billion colours.
The range of display sizes means that there is a TeamBoard for every type of environment, whether it’s a standard size classroom or a large boardroom.
TeamBoard uses the slimmest IR touch technology which means that nothing happens on the screen until the user actually touches is. This means there is no false triggering or unwanted objects while drawing or collaborating. The result is much increased accuracy, improving productivity time and allowing for more efficient completion of projects.
Canohm’s TeamBoard product manager and commercial division manager Cameron MacKertich explains that the slim IR means that the bezel around the screen is a lot slimmer than other IFPDs where you might also have thick black borders that reduce a screen’s size.
“With our IR and the Micro Air Gap technology built into the actual panel, the air gap between the glass and the panel makes it seem like the ink is coming out of the end of your finger when you write on it. It’s really responsive because that gap.”
That technology also offsets the issue of false connection which is what happens when products detect movement from a few millimetres away, resulting in writing or drawing in an unintended space. Having that precise accuracy when drawing on the screen is critical for any touch screen, especially for presentations.
In any space where collaboration is king, TeamBoard provides the ability to white board ideas and stream content from multiple devices, and offers a range of display options with HDMI out.
They also feature front-facing 15W speakers built into the bezel of the panel, something that is unique in this market.
Powered by Android OS, the TeamBoard is simple to use and lets you jump straight into your collaboration experienced with pre-installed interactive apps and proprietary TeamBoard Draw which allows the user to draw/write on the screen either with their hand or the TeamBoard pen. The unit is completely plug-and-play and offers 32GB of storage, meaning you can save all of your work to recall at a later date.
A complete system
Like any system, there are plenty of ways to enhance its operability and turn it into a powerful collaboration, sharing and interactive system. A range of supplementary products, all available from Canohm, can streamline your offering, making it invaluable in a busy corporate or educational environment.
Addressing the issue of wireless connectivity, the AirServer device, which uses Intel software, creates a wireless network allowing for the connection of up to eight devices – PC, iOS, Android, etc and offering two-way feedback.
Cameron remarks: “I think, for a lot of people, the big selling point is that it doesn’t connect to their internet network so it means no-one can break into the high security system of that business.”
It also streamlines the process for a presenter as they don’t spend half their time trying to connect to a network or locating the correct cable to access the panel. You literally walk in and press a button.
Two other products are designed to expand the range of features available to users.
The Android OPS allows users to access Google certified apps through Android Play Store. Where the TeamBoard on its own is a closed ecosystem, the addition of the OPS allows for further use of certified apps.
Minix offers a range of mini-PCs, media players and other corporate space accessories and, essentially, integrates Windows 10 Pro into the interactive display, offering features like video conferencing and collaboration.
Last, but not least, attention needs to be paid to mounting solutions, of which there are many.
TeamBoard’s own locally-made trolleys are designed, to Australian standards, with the education sector in mind – leg spacing, wheelchair accessibility, handle location, etc, are all designed to meet standards set by the NSW government.
The other mounting/trolley options come from Vogel’s, a company that Canohm has represented locally for many years.
Cameron explains: “The good thing with the Vogel’s range is that it’s universal so it can fit all of the screens from the 55” through to the 98”. We’ve got static stands and trolleys as well as motorised options which is good if your wall can’t take the weight.”
One of the major factors here is the rigorous testing that Vogel’s carries out on its products. Every unit is tested to hold five times its state weight, giving peace of mind that once your TeamBoard is installed, it’s not going anywhere.
A 21st century solution
TeamBoard offers an impressive warranty of five years. A locally based service team at Canohm also means that any potential repairs can be done easily and quickly.
The team at Canohm feels that the TeamBoard is the all-encompassing answer for anyone seeking to upgrade their tech or take their first step in that direction.
Lots of offices are still in analogue mode, using a whiteboard and market and Canohm is keen to steer these companies into the 21st century. With a wealth of technology set to take off in this area in the coming months and years, people will be looking for efficiency and that’s where TeamBoard can thrive.
If you’d like to find out more about TeamBoard or any of its associated products contact Canohm via: [email protected] or call 1300 953 902.