MadisonAV flexes range of solutions at Integrate 2022
MadisonAV had a large, diverse stall at Integrate 2022 with everything from professional audio solutions to video switching and corporate sound masking technology.
Speaking with several people at the stall, I found out what the latest and greatest was on the JBL front, the SpinetiX digital signage solutions and much more. But what really caught my eye (or ear) was the sound masking solutions from Roadworx, designed and supplied by MadisonAV.
“Sound Masking offers a technical, yet simple solution to the problem of speech privacy, employee comfort and acoustic distraction,” MadisonAV National Business Development Manager Jeff Shoesmith said.
“Ambient noise distractions exist in numerous industries and working situations, either due to excessive noise, or environments that are too quiet. Both conditions can result in unproductive workplaces.”
“Our Roadworx Sound Masking solution emits a soft, inconspicuous background sound that helps the ambient sound level become more uniform, making surrounding conversations and other noise distractions less audible.”
Jeff said that the systems’ speakers, typically installed above the ceiling, help reduce the ‘sphere of influence’ by masking distant sounds. In a space where you might have been distracted by sounds up to 12m away, that’s now brought down to about 5m.
“The interior walls used modern construction often do not extend to the floor slab above. This creates a pathway for sound to enter and escape the room. Sound masking helps to reduce this problem by masking the speech sounds in both directions, improving speech privacy and reducing distraction” Jeff explained.
The Roadworx Sound Masking system also provides adaptive, zone-based, automatic level adjustment. This function allows the system to constantly monitor and adjust the masking noise level to suit the background noise level of each zone, at all times of the day (and night).