KNX Association launches sustainability hackathon
The KNX Association has launched its first KNX Hackathon, a collaborative international space which aims to become the largest annual global hackathon using the KNX technology to create solutions for smart homes that improve people’s lives and impact the planet in a positive way, making societies more sustainable.
KNX Hackathon 2023 will focus on sustainability, with the aim of motivating the making of ideas that would enable a more sustainable world. Over the course of two days, KNX brings participants from around the world together at in-person and virtual local spaces to solve a challenge by KNX experts.
The criteria to choose winners will be based on what describes and measures how KNX solutions or KNX projects help to reduce the use of energy as well as CO2 carbon footprint. The participant projects should be focused on solutions for smart homes, buildings that demonstrate energy savings and reduction of CO2 emissions for a sustainable for and smart living using the KNX technology. Additional added value will be considered for those projects also using the latest innovations of KNX KNX IoT technology as well as KNX Secure devices.
KNX Association marketing team leader, Casto Cañavate, says: “Our long-term vision is to see KNX used everywhere for energy-efficient homes, buildings and cities, but whilst we know KNX can make a big difference in saving energy, we need the figures to back up our claims. There is already a lot of great work going on by individuals and companies in reducing the carbon footprint of buildings, and the KNX Hackathon will help us bring this experience together to produce the hard facts we need to persuade the wider world that KNX is a compelling choice. This is our opportunity to prove that KNX is helping to build a more sustainable future.”
The competition is open to all comers all over the world. Any individual or team can enter, including students, hobbyists, professionals, scientific members, manufacturers, distributors and non-members.
KNX Association provides guidelines, ideas and set challenges for all entrants and you can also present your own challenges and projects. The competition will be a hybrid event. First, there will be the opportunity to provide a virtual submission as part of the KNXperience event in Q3/4 2023, involving a video and presentation of results. Then there will be the opportunity to present submissions in person in a dedicated expo area at the KNX Scientific Conference due to take place Q3/4 2023. All entrants can choose whether to enter the virtual or real-life events or both. The finalists and winners will be selected by a specially appointed jury of industry experts and will be notified in the new year.
Registration for KNX Hackathon 2023 is now open: