Epiphan firmware update now available for Pearl devices
The free Epiphan firmware update 4.24 is now available for Pearl Nexus, Pearl Mini, Pearl-2 and Pearl Nano devices. The update can be applied online and gives users dual Ethernet capabilities on Pearl devices for enhanced network performance.
The new dual network setup on Epiphan Pearl devices allows users to split their network traffic between two separate Ethernet connections. Pearl now supports a second network connection over USB, with a USB to Ethernet adapter with the recent 4.24 firmware release.
This feature enables one connection to be dedicated to video streaming while the other handles control data, such as device management, remote access or configuration.
By separating video streaming from control traffic, users can optimise bandwidth usage and reduce the risk of network congestion, leading to smoother video streams and more responsive control operations.
Segregating traffic can enhance security by isolating sensitive control data from the public-facing video stream, reducing the risk of unauthorised access or cyber threats.