New report projects substantial growth in the OLED lighting market
The report titled, OLED Lighting Materials Markets: 2012 is the latest update from NanoMarkets on the OLED lighting materials market and it quantifies the opportunities that are emerging from the nascent OLED lighting industry. The report analyses the strategies of some of the key OLED lighting manufacturers like Philips, Osram, Lumiotec, and Visionox, and discusses the impact of their strategies on the materials sector. Finally, the report predicts what the latest market and technology developments will mean to the industry overall.
The report also contains detailed volume and revenue forecasts for materials used for OLED lighting broken out by material type and functionality in the OLED stack, as well as by OLED fabrication method – solution processing vs. vapor deposition, and small molecules vs. polymeric materials. In the report NanoMarkets says that revenues from emissive layer materials are expected to top $375 million by 2015, and over 90% of this will come from sales of vapor-deposited small molecule materials. And while solution-processable materials still have the potential to revolutionise OLED lighting with respect to increasing throughput and lowering costs, recent setbacks have pushed their impact beyond the timeframe of this report
Additional details about the report are available at The report follows recent NanoMarkets reports on OLED lighting manufacturing, OLED lighting global market forecasts, OLED encapsulation and OLED materials markets.