Airtame simplifies and enhances 28 US schools
Airtame has helped simplify and enhance the learning experience for a range of US-based schools.
The Airtame solution turns any connected display into a seamless screen mirror for laptops and other devices, while also enabling centralised digital signage functions for entire campuses.
With recent funding programs intended to help schools invest in new technologies, the Warren County Public Schools (WCPS) district in Kentucky installed the Airtame 2 hardware across 1,200 TVs in the district’s 28 schools.
“Warren County Public Schools has a focus on student-centred instruction, and we prioritise technology where appropriate, including providing every student with a Chromebook,” WCPS instructional technology coordinator Matt Kresslein says.
“We’re always looking for sustainable solutions that provide consistency in our instructional spaces, and Airtame, in conjunction with TV displays and devices for each student and teacher, provide that consistent experience. We have transitioned from interactive whiteboards located at the front of each room to TVs with the Airtame platform, which has freed our teachers to move around the room as they lead digital lessons delivered wirelessly from mobile devices.”
With every room featuring the same technology design, teachers can now walk into any classroom and instantly connect their laptop or mobile device to the display and begin screen sharing.
Teachers can even designate a ‘Favorite Airtame’ that keeps the chosen Airtame and TV at the top of their connections list so there are no complications or barriers to presenting wirelessly. It’s a secure, virtually foolproof procedure that ensures schools can be as flexible as required while delivering consistent quality.
One of the major advantages of using Airtame is that the platform protects and prioritises teachers’ wireless connections, strengthening their control of the classroom.
“Airtame has empowered us to share district-wide signage and videos, such as the student-created projects we displayed during Digital Citizenship Week to celebrate students’ digital agility and safety,” Matt adds.
“Student access to wireless sharing is decided at the school level, and Airtames’ device-agnostic experience makes connecting as easy as possible, whether users connect from our Chromebooks, or a smaller number of iPads, MacBooks and PCs deployed in various locations. Finally, having centralised control of all the devices’ settings allows us to quickly perform software updates and identify any issues to initiate IT work tickets without bothering the teacher.”