BoB (Broadband in a box), by iiNet
The brainchild of iiNet and Belkin, BoB has been custom-built with plug-and-play internet and phone, comes loaded with the latest technology (think set-top box, USB storage and gaming console compatibility) – all packaged into a sleek, black, glass-looking unit that’s designed to be displayed.
“We developed BoB from the ground up with the aim of making in-home communications simple and attractive – there’s no other product like him in the Australian market,” says iiNet managing director Michael Malone.
Available exclusively to new and existing iiNet customers, BoB is more than just a modem/router; it has an optional phone handset and connects multiple devices simultaneously, including home wireless and wired computers, entertainment platforms like the XBox and USB storage devices.
BoB’s even a charger for devices like iPods and Blackberrys.
“To ensure Belkin launched a product specifically built for an Australian ISP and, more importantly, a product relevant for the Australian consumer, our Australian product development team (headed by Anthony Malone) has worked closely with the iiNet team,” says Belkin ISP sales manager Simon Watt.
“We’ve worked together from concept through to production – the enclosure and technical specifications were designed by our local team. Both companies can be proud of creating an Australian designed product for an Australian audience.”
Michael Malone adds, “iiNet has customers from all walks of life, so we’ve made sure BoB’s really easy to set-up. You just plug BoB in and he automatically downloads what you need to get online, meaning you’re up and running in minutes without having to mess about with settings.
“The combination of a supercharged wireless performance and range through wireless ‘n’ technology, and BoB’s attractive looks, means BoB can take pride of place anywhere in the home without compromising a customer’s technology experience.”
BoB comes with an optional cordless phone handset which, combined with iiNet’s Naked DSL (broadband without a phone line), enables users to make cheap calls over the internet as though they’re using a landline phone. BoB can even connect up to five phone handsets in one house.
“Finally, iiNet’s Freezone comes free as part of the BoB package, giving customers access to quota-free content like Apple iTunes, Barclay’s Premier League, Xbox LIVE, ABC iView and Investec Super 14’s Rugby. Combine this with future IPTV prospects and, well, BoB really is cool.”